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Welcome to the
Jull Environment Club

Founded upon the three pillars of Environmental Awareness, Environmental Educationand Environmental Advocacy, the Jull Environment Club aims to shine light on pressing environmental issues and advocate for sustainable living through action and education. Additionally, the Jull Environment Club represents and thrives to unify students in the Environmental Studies and Environmental Science program here at the University of Windsor.


R.K. Jull was a distinguished professor here at the University of Windsor under the wing of the School of the Environment. Jull was recognized for his great accomplishments in teaching and was honoured with the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations' Teaching Award. His ideals, philosophy, and ambition to advocate for the natural environment has been preserved throughout the years through the promotion of student action. We are honoured to name our environment club after R.K. Jull.


As individuals, we hold the power to make positive and constructive changes to our environment in both natural and social ways. As students, we can take our knowledge and further foster these changes for the betterment of future generations. This year, the Jull Environment Club aims to contribute to these changes by bringing its member together and by promoting the three founding pillars. Things to expect are documentary nights, game/card nights, pub outings, bake sales, local field trips, and plenty more! Our club is open to all students from all disciplinesso we welcome all to join our club!

About Us
Our Team

Join Our Team

2023-24 Executives 


​As the President, you oversee the day-to-day operations, chair meetings, act as a liaison between student groups (eg attend Science Society’s meeting and relay the information to the Club), and work with the Vice-President of Affairs in strengthening the relationship with community organizations such as the Essex Region Conservation Authority. The ideal candidate must have served as a Vice-President, a Treasurer, or a General Member in the Jull Environment Club.

VP External

The Vice-President External is a modified title of the “Vice- President” position. The new title reflects the tasks, obligations and responsibilities that the VPE oversees. As VPE you are responsible for preserving and strengthening the relationship that the Jull Environment Club has with our community. A few key relationships that the VPE should maintain are the Essex Region Conservation Authority, Science Society, Climate Action UWindsor Group, Wildlife UWindsor, Campus Community Gardens, and faculty personnel.

VP Internal

As Vice-President Internal you oversee any communication and marketing media. Your responsibility is to maintain our emails, produce any posters (with the help of the President or VPE), draft collaboration or partnership proposals, as well as informing other student groups and societies about our events.


The treasurer is an important position within our Club. You are in charge of taking minutes, arranging and scheduling meeting rooms and times, overseeing our finances, and assisting our VPI with email communications.

Those who wish to apply should fill out the following form before March 31st 2023 


Monthly Socials

Socials will include Virtual Game Nights, Movie Nights and other fun ideas! Email or DM for more information.

Upcoming Events
No events at the moment

Get Involved

If you'd like to get involved with the Jull Club, simply DM us on Instagram, Facebook, or email us at! We'd love to have you join our club!


If you'd like to collaborate with the Jull Club, please email us at with the subject as: Collaboration Request. We will respond within 48 hours.

Click Below to find us on Social Media! 

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